Monday, November 15, 2010


As holidays and events go, I'm sort of negative on the celebration of such.  Most of our holidays have been reduced to excuses to go to excess, whether it is the actual celebratory activities or the spending of money for no other use except to enhance our economy.  Thanksgiving, for example, is no longer a day to get together with friends and family to enjoy the simple act of being thankful for friends, family and the great bounty that we enjoy.  Rather, it is the precursor to the gluttonous four or so weeks of shopping to support another holiday which has lots much of its meaning - Christmas.  You noticed, I said Christmas, not the Winter Holiday (italics mine). 

New Years is another event for indulging in excess and the days such as St. Valentine's Day (note the religious prefix), Easter, Mothers & Fathers Days have become opportunities for the greeting card industries although email cards are rapidly taking over this event.  The Fourth of July, even, has become a time to spend a small fortune on booze, food and fireworks.  Most of the historical significance has been all but forgotten. 

One day, however, has remained much as it has always been.  Formerly known as Armistice Day, November 11th was changed by congress to Veterans Day a few decades back.  Seems that folks still take the opportunity to pause and remember the great wars our country has fought and the young men and women who did the fighting.  Here in Lincoln, we had two observances, both of which were to the point and appropriate. 

But, the most enjoyable for me and a few fellow vets was the student assembly at Twelve Bridges Elementary School, here in Lincoln  although they celebrated on November 12th (no school on the 11th).  For the third year running, the hundreds of kids at the school honored vets with music, laughter, smiles and homemade cards.  The parent club provided refreshments and, as well, lots of "thank yous" to those who attended.  Good show Twelve Bridges. 

Some things give you hope that we are not all lost.

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